Dealing with Delivery Fatigue

Stoking the Fire…

A Symptom of Success

You've got the trust of your partners and/or clients as someone reliable. You've got too much to do, too little time to do it in and people are always looking to you for answers. Maybe you've heard the word burnout, experienced it or felt like it was imminent. Like an onrushing train, a heavy weight or a deep dread. Unlike burnout, we use the term delivery fatigue to call out that you are still in this cycle and actively pushing through and pasy.

The Impact

Delivery fatigue takes away your energy, stops you from thinking in new ways, and makes leaving seem like the only way to make a positive change.

A common symptom of fatigue is a retreat from the things you enjoy, the people most important to you, and focusing in on making it through the day.

This programme was nearly called Coaching for Survival, as it can feel that you are only just existing through the challenges of the day.

Not Mental Health

Delivery fatigue is a healthy reaction to being under stress for an extended period of time, it’s your body and mind telling you it’s time to make some changes.

This is a completely normal state of mind from working in an imposed state of being. By an imposed state of being, I mean having a lack of choice and control in your day-to-day.

Stoking the Fire

Stoking the Fire is a twelve-week programme to enable you to work through your specific context and challenges in your day-to-day and give you the tools to move forward in a way that makes an impact to you.

The programme is person-focused, 121 coaching over 3 months. It provides you with a safe & confidential space to discuss new ideas, discuss motivations and challenges as you learn skills, gain tools and reflect on what you need to move forward.

While delivery fatigue is very widespread, there isn’t a one size fits all, no one knows your situation better than you and this programme seeks to understand your situation.

Programme Format

This coaching consists of

  • Discovery Call - Everything starts with a no obligation 30 minute call where we talk about what you want from coaching, agreeing bounds, and finding out if we can work together

  • Bi-weekly (that’s every 2 weeks), a Sunday coaching session running through delivery fatigue framework, setting you up for the week ahead and debriefing from the week ended.


  • £0 - Discovery Call - 30 minutes session, to see if this is the right programme for you

  • £1100 - 12 weeks, six 90 minute sessions

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