Exploring New Ideas


New Idea

It all begins with a great idea. Now you have it, what are you going to do about it?

Maybe you want to launch a business, turn a hobby into something more, or you have a creative project to share with the world.

This coaching programme is to help you take that idea from conception to a fully formed plan, and create a space to explore.

Foundry is a place to create a sounding board, nothing is off the table in these sessions - nothing is too big or too small.

Power Session

In an extended coaching session, get your thoughts clear, values are defined, what’s important take the next steps,

Getting focused on the achievable, the now, and the immediate. What are the big goals, and what do you need to do now to make them a reality?

Learn what you’re not thinking of and the challenges you don’t know you face.


This coaching consists of

  • Discovery Call - Everything starts with a no obligation 30 minute call where we talk about what you want from coaching, agreeing bounds, and finding out if we can work together

  • Deep dive

    • An intensive review of your idea, your goals and plans.

    • Focus on what’s important, what your vision is and what you want to achieve

    • Mindset rebuild - get your mindset in line with what you need to succeed

    • Immunity to Change - find out what’s blocking you from success

    • 5 hours of embedded coaching, driving the details of a plan and getting your key milestones in place.


  • £0 - Intro - Discovery Call - 30 minutes session

  • £1500 (+travel for in person session)

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