About me

Hi, I’m Chris Johnson and I'm a Coach, occasional Blacksmith, and owner of too many cats.

I’m creative and curious, the person to ask the awkward question that derails the old ways of thinking - so that we can move forward.

I love to understand the “so what” of the things we do, I don’t accept that we do it the way we have always done it, just because we have always done it that way.

I care about coaching as I think it’s a way of being with each other that we don’t do enough of, if we ever did. Often in the past, I have struggled with statements of “just do it this way” and wondered why what clearly worked for other people didn’t work for me.

Having someone else’s answers did not help me answer my own questions. For me coaching is how as a partnership we explore those questions and challenges and clarify how to go from here to there.

My professional background has been in IT project delivery with a heavy focus on creating high performing teams and inter-department working relationships, hammering out project, programme and service deliveries.

If you think I sound like the right coach for you, please feel free to use the contact me form to get in touch.

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

— The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost