Feedback from my clients

  • Bernie Rizo - Service Manager

    I’m speaking to the future clients of Chris, you gotta do it, you gotta take the time, take the opportunity. I came in and just raised my hand, I have time, let’s do it, but completely a must-have as part of your development items. Coaching is very different to mentoring, I learned that from the very start and it’s not like you have to have one or the other. It can compliment them and it would be brilliant. Coaching has taught me a bit more, how to solve struggles within me. I have to start first within me and then I can work towards the people I work with. Definitely something that not much of us are very good at I would say. We start always working with people, we struggle and we try to face each other and solve issues but we don’t take the time to start with us. We start with us in this type of coaching exercises. It's easier to work with people, or with teams, or to understand your goals, your priorities. The struggles within my team might be the root cause, when you try to act in a certain way, I’ve learned that. So just take the time, make the time, look for Chris, look for coaching

  • Gillian Magee - Head of Programme Delivery

    Chris provided a structured, effective programme that helped me to develop my thinking and pinpoint potential improvements in my approach to critical business challenges. His style is supportive, whilst keeping you honest about your commitments with good humour and grace!

    Chris is well-versed in the particular work-related challenges for neurodivergent people and flexes his coaching to meet you where you are. As a result, I’ve been able to build on the work done in our sessions, developing a better sense of my strengths and I now have greater insight into how to better lead my team.

    I’ve got no hesitation in highly recommending Chris’s coaching.

  • Inga Crouch - HR Consultant & Leadership Coach

    I had a 90 minute coaching session with Chris and am amazed at the impact it had on me. Chris is understanding, kind and professional and he deeply listens in a completely non-judgemental way. He has a knack for knowing when to challenge to enable you to find your why and uncover limiting beliefs. I felt highly motivated after our session and have already implemented some of the actions. I would highly recommend Chris, he is brilliant.

  • Jess Smith-Lamkin - Lead Business Analyst

    I have had six coaching sessions with Chris over the past 8 months. From helping me refine my vague goals, to understanding the blockers that keep me from achieving them, Chris has proven himself an expert guide.

    He has helped me structure my thought process in such a natural, conversational way that I could almost forget was being coached!

    Working with Chris has made me challenge myself and my assumptions about what I want to get from my professional life. I have gained new insights and perspectives that I know could not reached without Chris' coaching, and I am looking forward to putting what I have learned into practice.

    I would highly recommend Chris as a coach for anyone looking to make positive change.

  • Kat Saradinova - Programme Manager

    I’ve been fortunate enough to start working with Chris at a time of getting an unexpected promotion at work. I felt overwhelmed, overloaded and the imposter syndrome was rife, but Chris brought some sense, order and calm into how I was feeling. I had gone into the coaching expecting to need to focus on one thing, but the sessions took an unexpected turn to what I really needed to deal with at the time of each session. Chris dealt with these curveballs in his own stride and was able to bring different tools and techniques at a moment’s notice to help me make sense in whatever I was dealing with at the time. Chris and I built rapport easily, often through humour, and I found him to be compassionate and empathetic, but challenging when he needed to be, inquisitive, flexible and non-judgmental. Thank you Chris for the time we spent together, I found it really valuable and (surprisingly) fun too!

  • Kate - NHS Senior Practioner

    You've been superb. Always held the space, been present, and listened. The recap is fantastic. I'm very prone to waffling, you pull me back, and summarize really clearly and accurately because actually, I end up doing this stream of consciousness and I lose where I'm at. Your ability to pull it back is really important to me because actually what it does is reset, and off we go.

  • Katie Allen - Founder/Director

    Chris' Immunity to Change coaching session was a game changer!

    I recently had the pleasure of working with Chris 1:1 for a one-off session. He took me through a specific coaching exercise to help me uncover what internal barriers have been creating for myself when it came to delegation. It's always been something I've struggled with, and I've always chalked it up to being a "'control freak". I was wrong! This session really helped me to figure out what my big assumption was, and now i am able to challenge myself in a different way, so i can finally get out of my own way! It was brilliant. l'd highly recommend Chris as a coach.

  • Luis Tovar - Global Quality Manager

    Hi all

    I would like to recommend Chris Johnson, I´ve had the opportunity to interact with Chris during Six month Coaching program, and I really like the way how Chris provided me couching and advise during this time. If you request a Coach or coaching tips, Chris is your option!!

Video Testimonials


Bernie was newly into a senior leader role when we began coaching, looking for development opportunities through coaching.