
Forging your future

The next chapter of your life is starting, are you ready?

Have you turned the page and don’t know how to move on from the opening paragraph?

What got you here is your ability to do the things that you said you would,

now it's time to do the things that you didn't realise that you could.

It's time to make a change, but as you already know..

Change is really Hard!

If it was easy, you would have done it already!

In this coaching, I help you

  • work out what it is that you want to change

  • what’s getting in the way of that change

  • come up with an EASY plan to make the change!

Sounds too good to be true?

I get it, I have tried to change over and over, and it never landed until I started looking at how I was making those changes.

I realised that I was getting in the way of myself!

By understanding where you are, you can understand WHY you make the choices that get in the way of making that change.

If you want to understand

  • why you make the wrong choices

  • why your motivation fluctuates

  • how to make a plan that’s easy to succeed

    Then this is the coaching option that’s right for you.


    I have two offerings at the moment,

  • Online Coaching - we get into the details over a series of calls, making those discoveries and having an accountability partner who is always happy to see you. The let’s work it out together approach.

  • Email Coaching -You receive a weekly coaching exercise, for you to take away and make those discoveries at your own pace. The Do-It-Yourself approach (some assembly may be required)


  • Online coaching - £90 a session

  • Email coaching - pay what you want

    If you’re interested in either coaching, please use the button below to book a discovery call to discuss your change and get set up.

Other Coaching Options